Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ch. 78 The End?

Chapter 78: The End?
As tears blur my vision while staring at this keyboard, I can´t help but think of a time exactly 18 months ago. I had just passed security, and as I was waving goodbye to my family going up the escalators to my flight to Spain, I once again was fighting back the imminent tears. I kept thinking to myself, "It´s only 18 months, you can do it! Be strong!" and I was immediately blessed with a peaceful feeling that I knew everything was going to be alright, and that I was doing the right thing. Now, as I am saying goodbye to this beautiful country, life as a missionary, but most of all, the people I have come to love with all my heart, I am once again telling myself, "It´s been 18 months. You can do it. Be strong!" As I look over this last year and a half, in some ways I can hardly believe that it has passed soo fast. Then as I think about it, I think to myself, "It´s only been a year and a half?? I´ve grown in many ways, seen so many things, and learned so much." Looking back, I realize that I probably went through a lot more trials and a lot more difficulties than happy and joyful times. However, those wonderful memories make up for any hard time. I thought I was leaving my family for a year and a half, and I physically left my blood family, but I have been so blessed to have found an even bigger family here in Spain. This last week, I just couldn´t quite fully express my gratitude for all their love. Every time I turned around, it seemed, someone was shouting "Surprise!!" and I would see a room full of bright faces wishing me the best in my travels. Marta and José Luis threw me a surprise family home evening complete with a cake with my name on it, and made a poster of my nametag. Then, on Thursday, I was greeted into our "dinner appointment" by all the young adults and youth in the ward. Everyday was packed with sweet memories but bitter goodbyes. On Sunday, the entire ward got together and planned a suprise farewell. I walked into choir practice, and the bishop asked me if I could start playing the piano. I walked into the room to start playing, and there was half the ward smiling at me. I could hardly believe it. After that, the bishop gave them the time to come up and bear their testimony and say something that I had done for them. Obviously, I was eyes were dripping like Niagra Falls. Especially when our wonderful Bishop got up. As soon as he started to tear up, I couldn´t stop the water works, and that´s how I feel I´ve been ever since. Marta got up and bore her testimony, and it was just a powerful witness to me that my mission was worth it. Every minute. Even if Marta, or any one of my other converts, was my only convert, it would have been worth it. Even if I didn´t have one baptism, it would have been worth it. Why? Because the most important convert of my mission perhaps was myself. I have always had a testimony of the gospel of Christ; I never really put it in question. However, as a missionary, I have been able to see first hand that the church brings happiness. Why? Because it´s the truth! The little things like prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, paying your tithing, really do matter!! As we do these things, we see so many blessings. I have learned that as we are exactly obedient to what the Lord says, we don´t have to just wait to see a miracle happen, but we can expect them. I know that angels truly are ministering unto the children of men, and there are people all over the world that are being prepared. We only have to be worthy to find these people. I can´t honestly say that I´ve always wanted to serve a mission. The call to serve really came to me as a surprise. I wasn´t really praying about serving a mission, but it was probably the most recognizable prompting that I have ever received. And I would never ever take back the decision I made to serve the Lord for this short period of time in my life. I know that God lives, and that He is our Father in Heaven. I know that out of love, He sent His son, Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer and be our perfect example. I know that out of love, God restored the Church, that His son did this through Joseph Smith and I testify that he saw what he said he saw because I have felt it manifested to me by reading the Book of Mormon. I know that we can feel of their love and learn how to apply the gospel to our lives by reading the Book of Mormon. I know that we have the priesthood restored, and we have a living prophet. I know that through the keys that he holds, that we can be sealed to the people that we love forever. That is the knowledge that kept me going through the hard times and brought me comfort when I was tested. I leave with you all with my testimony as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to bear his name for the last 18 months. It definitely has proven to be a “happily ever after” but I don´t think that it´s the end. There is still so much to do, to learn, and grow. I love you all, and thank you so much for your prayers and support.
Les Quiero a todos!!

Hermana Hopkins

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